Why choose us?

We handle your entire property portfolio all in one package.

Other service providers only handles property with monthly rent of HKD$30,000 or above. We do not have this minimum monthly rental value barrier. So, no matter how much you have rented we will take care of it for you. For instance, you have 7 investment properties and only 4 of them meets minimum monthly rental value of say around HKD30,000. What about the other 3 properties? You will probably go to other service providers. So you end up having to deal with a few more parties.

We have an in-house repair team.

Making repairs is probably the most bothersome thing in managing your investment property which cost you time and money. We are trying to save your time and money by having an in-house repair team being our triage department in handling these issues. It is important to keep property in good conditions and deal with issues promptly before they become a bigger issue.